Wednesday, May 30, 2007

"I'm a little teapot..."

I'm sure Cooper will learn to hate this picture, but I just couldn't resist. One day when he's all grown up, we will look back on this and giggle. I love this picture because I feel it shows a little about both our personalities. It shows that I'm a little nutty because I put my kid in a huge teacup, and his expression shows exactly how he feels about the whole situation. Coincidentally, this was not photoshopped. He is sitting in a real teacup with a 10" diamter, it's actually a planter. Kevin still can't believe that I bought a planter just for this picture. What a photographer/mom won't go through to get a good photo op!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Getting more exposure! (no pun intended)

I took my camera to class with me the other day to show my friend Lisa. She shares my interest in photography. After class I talked her into letting me take a few photos of her. I'm going to introduce her to one of my work friends, but wanted to have them exchange pictures first. First, photographer, now match maker!

Friday, May 11, 2007

Just getting started!

Where to go from here? Well, I just bought my first Digital SLR camera, a Sony Alpha A100, and I'm pumped! I'm still amazed to look back at some of the photos I took with a point and shoot. I feel very proud. Needless to say, I believe my skills will begin to grow tremendously with my new tool. This is one of the first pictures of Cooper taken with my new camera. Now I just need to get out there and find more subjects. Afterall... C'est bonne vie!